How To Prepare For Flooding Before A Hurricane Or Tropical Storm

Mahalo For Sharing Your Aloha

Prepare for Flooding – Determine If You Are In A Likely Flood Zone

Is Your Hawai’i Property Located In A Flood Hazard? You can enter your exact address, anywhere in Hawaii, and the Hawai‘i Flood Hazard Assessment Tool will indicate where flood hazards exist near you.  Note: Even if you are not in a ‘normal’ flood zone, heavy rains from a tropical storm or hurricane can flood almost anywhere.

Flood HazardClick For Searchable Flood Hazard Map (Kona & All Of Hawaii)

Prepare for Flooding – Before The Flood

Know The Difference Between Homeowners Insurance vs Hurricane Insurance vs Flood Insurance

How To Prepare For Flooding:

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  • Reduce the risk of damage from flooding by elevating critical utilities, such as electrical panels, switches, sockets, wiring, appliances, and heating systems.
  • In areas with repetitive flooding, consider elevating the entire structure.
  • Make sure basements are waterproofed and your sump pump is working. Then, install a battery-operated backup in case of power failure.
  • Installing a water alarm will also let you know if water is accumulating in your basement.
  • Clear debris from gutters and downspouts.
  • Anchor any fuel tanks.
  • Move furniture, valuables and important documents to a safe place.
  • Store copies of irreplaceable documents (such as birth certificates, passports, etc.) in a safe, dry place. Keep originals in a safe deposit box.
  • Build an emergency supply kit. Food, bottled water, first aid supplies, medicines, and a battery-operated radio should be ready to go when you are. Visit for a complete disaster supply checklist.
  • Plan and practice a flood evacuation route. Ask someone out of state to be your “family contact” in an emergency, and make sure everyone knows the contact’s address and phone number.
  • Make a pet plan. Many shelters do not allow pets. Make plans now on what to do with your pets if you are required to evacuate your residence.

Electrical wiring

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Mahalo For Sharing Your Aloha
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